Thirty-five years ago there was the need to address the increased number of handguns and the “swap effect” (exchanging guns for drugs) in our communities.
We had bipartisan support, including help from Richard Cullen, who also happens to be a long-standing friend of mine, in the U.S. Attorney’s office, a coalition of law enforcement groups, business groups, and education groups.
The Virginia State Crime Commission concluded that law-abiding gun purchasers in Virginia were “not unduly burdened since the enactment of the law.”
The American Medical Association found, “evidence that limiting the purchase of handguns to no more than one per month is an effective means of disrupting the interstate transfer of firearms.”
That law was repealed in 2012 with the deciding votes of Democratic senators, John Edwards and Creigh Deeds.
I have not seen anything, presented by anyone, since, with any possibility of passage.