Today, we commemorate the fallen service members who laid down their lives in defense of our country. The credo spoken, “all gave some, but some gave all,” will always ring true.
During my service in Korea, I was fortunate to serve alongside many of the brave soldiers who forged and protected our freedom, as well as those freedoms of citizens in many other countries across our globe.
I discovered a new pride for America as I saw soldiers from all races, creeds and religions united together. I have often spoken about how transformative this experience was in shaping my understanding of leadership. I have tried to implement these influences in public service.
We must be ever grateful for the contributions these heroes have made. Memorial Day is a powerful symbol, and I carry my appreciation and faith for these brave warriors.
I offer my utmost appreciation and gratitude to all those who fought and shed blood to preserve our freedoms. Let us not forget their sacrifices, nor what it means.
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