Recent attempts to sanitize American history by distorting DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) have produced surprising results.
The Governor of Virginia has joined the chorus of those demanding distortion. The President of Virginia Commonwealth University has demanded submission of all university course syllabi related to DEI. VCU administration has further voted to eliminate DEI curricula for incoming students as part of their general studies.
This revisionist attempt to eliminate racial history curricula was approved by a vote by the Board of Visitors, which oversees the governance of VCU. Unfortunately, only five board members voted against this elimination; surprisingly, two Black members voted in favor of the ban. Their votes stand in direct opposition to student support to include elements of DEI in general studies curricula, and had been voted on and approved by previous Board of Visitors members.
It is additionally painful that these two Black board members were nominated by me for board service. I am disheartened to see their decision to turn their backs on our shared history.
I do believe “that the dead past should bury its own.” That does not mean the obliteration of our history. We cannot escape from that which is fact and truthful. Black history is a vital part of American history.
Many at VCU, and others, question these unenlightened efforts that halt delivery of history to all of our students.
I shall have to improve upon my appraisal of those deemed equipped to serve the people. In this instance, I failed.
Stay tuned.