There was a US Senator from Wisconsin, named Edward William “Bill” Proxmire. In the 1970’s, he would give out what he described as the “Golden Fleece Award”, monthly. He specialized in bringing attention to the waste and extravagance of government spending to the American people. The first Golden Fleece Award was awarded in 1975 to the National Science Foundation for funding a study on why people fall in love.
I loved the biting satire of his criticisms. Wished that there were those who could emulate that honest and forthright presentation to the people today.
Government, at all levels, wastes millions of dollars on a regular basis, with disdain for any questioning, there is less and less need or any feeling or requirement to be accountable or transparent to the people.
Oh, Bill Proxmire, we need you today!
We need to teach and instruct in our schools, our colleges and universities, especially our Schools of Government, that political leadership requires the continued demand for responsive and efficient, effective government.
I want to see established at our school the annual “Golden Fleece Award” in memory of Wm. Proxmire.
I hope that we can have nominations, national, state and local, and list and publish them for all to see.
The people need to be continually made aware of how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.