The newest VCU Wilder School Center for Public Policy Poll is available.
Not surprisingly, Virginians are concerned about the economy. They now recognize the pandemic to be more important than before (as demonstrated by the previous poll).
It is surprising that it is not considered the most important. It might be that they have conflated the economy as tops (money always leads), and healthcare, slightly behind.
Though education was not on the list, it would be surprising to me that funding and implementation for public schooling (K-12), as well as our college and university guidelines, are not among the top considerations at this time. The decrease in Trump and Northam’s positive handling of the pandemic is indicative of the increase in concerns related to the pandemic.
The poll also reflects growing concerns about racism in any measure: systemic, the removal of statues, and/or police reform. What we have is one thing (racism); what we do about it is another.
I spoke with the Virginia Mercury about the poll, and I think the biggest question is, has there been broad enough, direct enough communication with the people about what is being done right now to deal with this crisis? The people want transparency and accountability from its elected officials relative to federal Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding, as with all areas of government response.
Stay tuned.