Reconciliation, apologies, and recognition of failed leadership do not address the need for a recommitment to making the words contained in our Constitution, and Declaration of Independence real and existential.
Candidates at every level say they will do numbers of things, without reckoning with how things have come to be as they are.
Change from past patterns has to be that eternal flame which ignites the spark of human progress.
Lambasting the judiciary, when you have the power to put whomever you choose on the bench, and fight for that, is inexcusable.
Lyndon Johnson is the only Democratic president to even nominate an African-American to the U.S. Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall; and he fought for his confirmation in 1967.
The numbers of federal judges left for Donald Trump to put on the bench, sources say over 200, is mind-boggling.
I enjoyed the conversation I had with Dr. Wilmer Leon last week on the subject of past leadership and the brilliant observations of celebrated author, James Baldwin.
We can do better than this; we MUST do better than this.