The amount of money spent to influence and/or to control government is staggering. And this is across the political spectrum, including national, state and local offices; Democrats, Republicans and Independents, all participate.
That won’t change until the law allowing the formation of groups, and corporations to have NO limits as to amounts they contribute.
Yet, some groups are expected to fall in line, be the support base and “the firewall” for their party, and be alright with settling for the “lesser of two evils”.
I’m reminded of James Baldwin, the activist and celebrated author, and William F. Buckley, Jr. , the “chosen conservative voice” in their 1965 debate at Cambridge University on the question “Has the American Dream Been Achieved at the expense of the American Negro?” Have people of color in America, more than 50 years later, arrived at that point of full participation?
I will be discussing this subject with Dr. Wilmer Leon, #InsideTheIssues on SiriusXM Channel 126 on Saturday, March 7, at 12:30 p. m. EST for what will be more fully examined.
Stay tuned.