In 1968, I initiated the legal case that exemplified the systematic discrimination of African American people in health and medicine, and other effects in Virginia. It’s a persistent and detrimental theme that demands the attention of those charged with the responsibility to protect the lives and liberties of our citizens today.
At the Medical College of Virginia (today a part of Virginia Commonwealth University), Bruce Tucker, a Black man, had his heart transplanted – without his family’s consent – into a white businessman’s body. Tucker’s brother sought my assistance, and though he, afflicted with physical disability, and without funds to afford legal assistance, I agreed to represent him and the family.
I invite you to join me in person for a first-hand account of this case and the exploration of its lasting legacy today. With Wilder School Dean Susan Gooden, I’ll discuss the ethical issues the case exposed as well as examine its lasting historical impact.
I’ll also field questions from Dean Gooden and our audience members and look forward to addressing your questions as well.
The event is a rallying call for our continuing battle against institutionalized racism and our need for accountability. The Tucker family, to this day, has yet to receive an apology, compensation, or even an acknowledgment of existence for the disregard and desecration of Bruce Tucker.
We cannot ignore the injustices of the past, but must hold responsible the systems and leaders that prevent equitable access to healthcare for ANY people at the present time. Nothing less will suffice.
This free, public event will be held on Monday, Sept. 19, 6-7:30 p.m. at the VCU Singleton Center for Performing Arts located on campus at 922 Park Avenue. There is a pre-event reception from 5-6 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you in person, but if you cannot make it, you can RSVP to view the program via live-stream.
Please mark your calendars for Sept. 19 and learn more about this signature event hosted by the Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs.
Stay tuned.