The Wilder School of Government & Public Affairs, at VCU, strives to teach those entrusted to us, how governments go about the delivery of services and obligations to the people. I continue to emphasize to the students, and the people, that you do not need to be an elected official to enact changes. We encourage them to be part of the polity, the decision makers.
I know the importance of education at every level. From grade school at George Mason to high school at Armstrong, our teachers imbued the absolute necessity of learning. At Virginia Union University, I learned to be a chemist, and was able to be employed by the state. At Howard University, I was trained to be a lawyer, to demand what is just and right, and criticize what is wrong.
I receive many messages and letters from across the world, expressing the hunger to learn and the desire to grow in knowledge. The letter from Matt Winick demonstrates the reason why history must be taught, the reason why equitable education access must be for ALL people, and expresses the continuing need for effective leadership at all levels.
This is our collective responsibility.
Stay tuned.