The current dilemma posed by the pandemic highlights the problems in education at all levels. I have previously posted on the obvious lack of planning and leadership to address the needs.
Even when laptops were not available for students in my city, Richmond, Virginia, leaders were saying “all is well”.
All was not well before this current malady. Many students and families were already struggling.
Broadband and WiFi accessibility is not available in many of our cities and states. And even when it is, has the training and preparation been provided for virtual instruction to either teachers or students?
Many schools lack adequate technological resources or support and teachers and students are bearing the brunt of the impact. Teachers, in the absence of leadership, have cobbled together various resources and are doing their level-best to reach students. Students, for their part, lack the support once provided by teachers and now face additional technical, personal, financial, and home-life challenges.
This is a nationwide issue, and I discussed the ramifications recently with students enrolled in the Wilder School Capitol Semester Class, where VCU students gain first-hand legislative experience while taking classes.
I would hope that there will be shared vision and planning for the future of education. I also think that the disparities that have long been with us can be addressed in more meaningful ways.
I have always had a one word definition of politics, “money”.
It has not changed; watch where the $$ billions have already gone, and see who is still wanting.
Stay tuned.