Even in days of “legalized” segregation, civics (the branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens) was taught in our public schools.
Inexplicably, that practice, for the most part, has been disproportionately limited for underprivileged students, and seemingly, it is unlikely to be implemented at the level required for them to fully participate in the political process.
It is akin to sitting across from an opponent to play chess while neglecting to explain the fundamental rules of the game.
Students who don’t learn their role in government, won’t become the citizens we need to address the challenges that we, as a society face now, nor those we will have to confront in the future.
We pay a high price for this failure, and unfortunately, bear witness to it on a daily basis, at every level of government. It is reckless and irresponsible for us to not equip the children with what should be an inalienable right.
Along with the need for improved teacher pay, vocational training, and STEM courses, comprehensive Civics instruction, engagement, and its application must be a prominent standard of the learning curve for ALL students.