On Friday, January 17, I was recognized by Virginia lawmakers during a ceremony at the Virginia Capitol. The General Assembly passed two resolutions commemorating the 40th anniversary of my inauguration as lieutenant governor.
It’s an honor to be recognized for serving the people of the Commonwealth. I recognize the need for elected officials to connect with the people. I gained a great deal of inspiration and motivation when I watched the proceedings in the House of Delegates and Senate during the center-aisle presentations. Together, we can deliver that which is ‘best for the people of Virginia.’
The day also saw the celebration of my 94th birthday as well as the unveiling of the Governor Wilder Digital Collection at Virginia Union University, my alma mater. This digital archive contains documents, photographs, audio and video recordings, awards, and memorabilia spanning my career. I commend Virginia Union University and the VCU Wilder School Research Institute for Social Equity (RISE) for their work on this project.
On Saturday, the party continued with a special jazz concert with two of my favorite artists, Gerald Albright and Jonathan Butler. The turnout was excellent and the music was fantastic. A preview of these festivities was featured on WTVR.
I want to thank those who joined me on my 94th birthday. It coincides with the birthday of many others, like Muhammed Ali and James Earl Jones, as well as coming two days after the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. This is really about the opportunities afforded to us by the people. It demonstrates that you don’t stop. I won’t stop at 94, and I’ll continue to be a voice in representation of and support for all Virginians.
I encourage all people — especially the new generation of public servants — to answer the call to become authentic leaders. This comes solely from listening to and responding to the needs of the people. It’s important to acknowledge that you don’t have to be in office to be of service to your community; we all have that potential.
Stay tuned.