I want to thank those who attended our annual Wilder Symposium, “Elections 2024: The Importance of Listening to the People,” both in person at the W. E. Singleton Center and virtually.

You can watch the full presentation on the Wilder School YouTube channel.

Our expert panelists, under the supervision of Wilder School Dean Susan T. Gooden, questioned and elicited participation from the audience which brought forth the people’s interest in the real issues.

I thank Dean Gooden, along with political analysts Dr. Bob Holsworth, managing partner of the consulting firm DecideSmart and founding director of the Wilder School; Dr. Larry Sabato, founder and director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics; and Dr. Robyn McDougle, associate dean of research and outreach at the Wilder School, for their exceptional participation.

I encourage you to learn more about their unique perspectives.

Of particular note to me was their determination to reiterate concern about wasteful spending at VCU. Estimated as high as $100 million dollars, a failed real estate development project has still not been addressed by the Board of Visitors.

One member of the Board of Visitors was present and was acknowledged by the Dean but remained silent as he has consistently chosen so to do. But the people were not silent on that and other issues as well.

When we vote, we express what we want from those who represent us. When those who are elected are possessed with the authority to appoint others to assist them in governance, this creates a joint responsibility for accountability.

We’ll find out what happened in this gross waste of our tax dollars; we can stop this kind of incompetence from masquerading as representation of the people.

You don’t have to wait for elections to let your voice be heard.

I learned that a long time ago and I will NEVER forget that.

Stay tuned.

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